I think I know how to solve this conundrum.

Step 1: Walk to your nearest cliff. (and yes walk, because walking builds character) (mom tells me that characters are important in story telling)

Step 2: Throw the camera off the cliff. This should set the ghost into a trauma, it should immediately float upwards to avoid damage done to itself.

Step 3: I forgot to say this but you actually need to drive to a cliff that regularly has airplanes fly over it.

Step 4: I forgot to say this but you actually need to throw the phone before the airplane flies over it. This of course depends on the depth of the cliff. And requires really good timing, I recommend throwing as many phones off of the cliff as you can to get really good at practicing your timing.

Step 6: Just before the camera flies upward, you need to turn Airplane Mode off. And you need to do it while falling from the cliff. Of course this will take many tries, and many surgeries. But it will look very cool, once you’re done doing that. Please send me the video so I can put in my next parkour compilation. I forgot to say this but you have to put a camera down there too.

Step 5: If your timing is perfect, then the ghost phone should pass through the airplane. At this moment it will be visible to people on the airplane. Assuming you had airplane mode off, the airplane will stop mid-air and start falling immediately.

Step G: I forgot to say this but you actually need to place like a million bouncy houses in the cliff. This way we can cushion the airplane’s landing. Actually JK this will bounce the airplane back up into the air with extreme force.

Step H: As the airplane hits the phone it will be catapulted higher up into the air until it reaches space.

Step 4: Wait like 2 years or something.

Step 7: Face time the phone with another, and then look at the stars… ahh\~ so beautiful.

Strep Throat: Boom now you’re phone is in space! Isn’t that cool! Now go buy another phone idiot!!