Your simplistic retort is barely worthy of a response. Clearly you are devoid of historical knowledge to know what their thinking was for the time, and what they envisioned for the future. The myopic attempt to look at them with a modern day PC lens is your undoing.
If you really care to educate yourself, read their personal writings (i.e. Federalist Papers) and their intent beyond the limitations of their times.

On a side note, I doubt they expected us to turn out exactly a certain way, as any choice of different roads could put us on various paths. However I think they would have hoped we would wind up in the general area they may have projected.
The great words in our governing document (when interpreted correctly) has allowed many positive things to evolve over time. Undoubtedly some of those things we might both agree upon.
So despite being brilliant yet flawed men, they creating the most free form of self governance with a Constitutional Republic.
They still would have expected us to keep to those ideals which would allow us to prosper and remain free of government tyranny.
