Mm… fish and chips! The golden crispy outer layer of my yummy greasy fish rests well in my tummy! I got it from Popeyes, and watched Telletubies, and I can’t believe I’m not yet tubby! I like to mine, the mine craft wood, and make a good house, just like I should! And in that house, on my table, lays some fish and chips, in a ladle! It’s good old fish, and then some chips, to the music I shape my hips! If you can’t deal with a crispy-good meal, we’re gonna have a big ordeal! My XBOX 360 runs mine craft swiftly, I eat fish and chips and I lick my lips! If you don’t consume, you will meet your doom, in the room, that goes boom, and away I’ll zoom! First you fry it good, then you get the chips, not the potato kind, or you’re out of your mind, and then put it on a plate, oh i cannot just wait, Its fried to crispy delight and in Minecraft I’ll put up a fight, FISH… AND… CHIIIIPPS!!!!