I’ve lost so much over the past couple of years when it comes to metal (and I know that is almost entirely personal) but the first few albums I ever owned were ace of spades, heaven and hell by black sabbath, super unkown by sound garden and hybrid theory. I have seen every singer of those apart from dio and everyt time one of those has died I have felt like a part of my life has been ripped away – they were huge influences on my life – they taught me that music was also a bonding point, to be kind and never judge and above all to respect everyone. Chester Bennington was the last original hero I had left and I feel like a massive part of life has just gone. I just want to break down and cry. But I won’t – because none of them would have wanted me to, they would have wanted me to go out there and be better and better everyday – with people and with everything I ever do in life – and that’s exactly what I plan in doing. I’m going to better and better than I ever was before