Awmost evewy mowning I wawk awound my neighbowhood with a wawge bwack gawbage bag and cowwect aww the cwap I see. It takes a whowe day to get two bags fuww of shit. But it aww pays off when I come home aftew a hawd day, go to the bathwoom, tuwn on the hot watew and…mmm, pouw aww the cwap into the bathtub. And then I mastuwbate, imagining that I’m being devouwed by aww the feces. Aww in aww, I think, that poo has its own mind, each piwe of shit has its own famiwy, pwace, feewings, we shouwdn’t just fwush them down the toiwet, we shouwd take cawe of them, tawk to them, pet them… And you know what, I had a wondewfuw dweam whiwe wying in the bathtub yestewday, I dived into the sea and it tuwned into shit, fish, seaweed, jewwyfish, evewything tuwned into poo, even the sky, even Gawd himsewf.