redditors are the most brainless, unfunny, unoriginal, selfish, antisocial, NPC like people, they’ll get mad when nobody laughs at them playing the Soviet anthem irl, (or well any dead meme), they have the same set of jokes, they all say the same thing, and defend themselves by using no u, or uno reverse card, but they still stay in their own website circle, and the only thing that makes them feel apart of the natural human society is these orange arrows called upvotes. they like hating on websites because they think theirs is the best one, (examples include instagram) the only reason they are on youtube probably is to watch memes of their own subreddit, dead memes, watch pewds, or woooosh people

Bonus, they think they are better then everyone, and are often 14. Whats wrong with being 14 you may ask? Half of the 14 year old community act like they’re deep, dark, and they act depressed. (which makes people who are actually depressed look stupid), they are always begging to get laid, and when they are laid they brag about it. theres so much wrong with them but i wouldnt have enough time to say it.

And in the end, if you aren’t one of these 14 year olds, i salute you. Everything wrong with redditors in 60 seconds or less.