The way FPS games play is just super fucking boring and I have no clue how literally nobody agrees with me. No matter how much I either win or lose in a shooting game it never truly feels fair. I don’t find it fun just instantly killing somebody or instantly dying. The only aspects in the entire game are aiming and positioning. Besides that, there are little to no different gameplay differences between guns and weapons. Shotguns 1 shot. ARs 1 shot. Knives 1 shot. Snipers 1 shot. How is combat where everything one-shots fun at any point? Is it actually fun to just be running then instantly die from behind? And is it fun just shooting somebody from behind? And if you aren’t just shooting somebody from behind you are just jumping around shooting forward and the interaction lasts for like 2 seconds. It’s not really “HIGH-SPEED GAMEPLAY!!!” it’s just fucking boring. Instantly winning an interaction in any game is never fun so why should FPS games be the exception to that. How is it satisfying to just aim correctly and land a shot to instantly get a kill? I see my friends and other people just play FPS games for hours at a time and I cannot even force myself to play it for more than 20 minutes. The only aspect about FPS games is fun is playing with your friends but that applies to every game. Can somebody PLEASE tell me what is appealing or fun about FPS games because I cannot think of a single reason why they would be fun to play.