**Rise & Shine Alexander**

You are probably wondering where you are. I will tell you where you might be. You may be in the room you may die in, or you may in the room where you cum. A climax. You may find salvation here, that is up to you.

You are probably wondering why pictures of spread vaginas are hung up all around this dilapidated bathroom. That isn’t important. What is important is who these pussies belong to.

I see you as a strange mix of someone who is shy, angry, horny, apathetic. ***But mostly just pathetic.*** Underneath you, you will see a sharpened dildo attached to a mechanism that is linked to the pictures of the pussies that surround you. Pay close attention. ***Pay attention for the first time in your sex life.***

One of these pictures is my pussy. Nudes you are quite familiar, yet unappreciative of. The rest are random ones I pulled from Google Images with child filters off. I went to great lengths to bring you here. Each set of pussy pics will be rotated out as you make a guess. For each wrong guess you will descend further down to the razor sharp dildo, as your asshole hangs in the balance. 3 strikes and you’re out.

For each correct guess of which picture is my pussy, a key will descend down from the ceiling that will free you from your restraints. What will happen first? The key descending into your hands, or being pierced by a giant dildo? You will decide the answer to that. This is your redemption. My vag is your only hope.

***You will die here, or remember my labias for the rest of your life. You’ve been asleep as I spread my cheeks for you. This is your wake up call.***

Up until now you have sexted in the shadows, watching others make the first move as you sit back listlessly and make no effort. A coward. A voyeur of sorts. But what do voyeurs see? What do they contribute? Surely one person sending all the nudes isn’t fair. This is your chance to contribute. This is your chance to show you can care. You are here to make that right, Alexander.

**Let the game begin.**