Sex isn’t real you fucking losers. Stop acting like sex is real you idiots. It’s literally a hoax made up by the government you dumbasses. So stop acting like it’s the best thing is the world because it clearly isn’t, as its not real. Every single fucking time I hear someone tell me “sex is real” I feel like punching them down their fucking throat. It’s actually pathetic how people think sex isn’t real. We’re just being tricked by the government once again. There’s literally so much fucking proof that sex isn’t real. It’s pathetic as fuck that the democrats and the government is hiding this from us. So don’t be fooled when someone asks you for sex. Because it isn’t fucking real. It’s the biggest modern day hoax by the government in this world as of now. Now you may be asking, “then where the fuck do babies come from if sex doesn’t exist?” Well you see, the government has microscopic drones that go up a woman’s vagina and fertilizes it. I rest my fucking case.