During high school I was in the process of going to the military to become an airmen. I already took the ASVAB and was preparing to go to MEPS. I was already a perfect candidate for the U.S military and have essentially been training my whole life. Life happens and for whatever reason someone in my class slipped a laxative in my drink without my knowledge and I became very ill. I had been water-fasting and had drank nothing but water for the past 14 days to quickly process through MEPS. So I know it wasn’t anything I ate (i didn’t eat anything) and had prior experience with fasts like this. It became super obvious someone slipped something into my drink but since I didn’t know what it was (for all I knew it was just suger) I didn’t pay much concern. My mom took me to the doctor but I refused to go because I knew anything on my medical record would look bad through MEPS. I started vomiting out pure water and couldn’t even shit because I didn’t eat anything for the past 2 weeks. I started bleeding from my ass and my mom called the cops. I resisted and the cops were like, you’re causing a disturbance by bleeding out your ass we’re going to have to hospitalize you. They put me on a 5120 and I was hospitalized for 3 days. For whatever fuckin reason I said I was feeling suicidal because I couldn’t exactly come up with the words “I’m bleeding out of my ass” or was utter paranoid to say anything meaningful (i should have plead the fifth but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

Next day I went to my recruiter and told him what happened. He said I’m permanently disqualified from joining any branch of the military because of the 5120 hospitalization. Yes I said I was suicidal but it was sort of a side comment I made while I was literally bleeding out of my ass and impulsive wording. I dropped out of school just to join the military. All this happened super quick and it’s not like I wanted someone to slip a laxative in my drink and pretty sure that qualified as a straight up sexual assault but that’s besides the point. I’m not too interested in seeking justice because honestly I kind of liked it but is there some type of loop-hole in the constitution that can bypass the 5110. I know I said I was suicidal but for all anyone else knows I was practicing my English and fake scenerios in my head to prepare to say if I was in fact, for real suicidal. please help a man out. thank