Every day i wake up and bust a nut in my wife’s hair, and she busts a nut in my hair, and she sucks my long girthy MAN hair into the vagina. Then we go up the stairs, two conjoined as one, up to my 5 year old son Quiggles.
I kiss Quiggles awake, his delicate face, so serenely shining in the morning sun.
I bust again in his hair, my wife watching, a tear rolling down her face at the sight.
She queefs my MASCULINE VEINY HAIRS out, and with a few delicate steps kissed Quiggles on his cheek.
Quiggles’s whiter than usual head makes a graceful motion till it comes to a halt between her beautiful walk poles, his person’s tender face graced, as if with the touch of god, by the few MANLY MACHO hairs still plastered between her legs.
And with one fell swoop Quiggles disappears into her.
Only to be reborn again shaved and ready for what is to come.
My duty as a father, to put my offspring before me,
never ends, as now it is now my turn.
As i see the inside of her i bust so hard the clouds could not rain this
My wife is pregnant once again, and my daughter now is too.