1. You are incompetent losers who are incapable of
moderating a family let along a 2 million large
2. The whole pedophilia issue on this subreddit is being
entirely dealt with by the community rather than the
mods as we are reporting them to Reddit and you are
watching doing nothing as if it is an entertainment
3. If anyone even mentions China or drugs then the
post/comment is immediately deleted but all creeps,
pedos and the like seem to be acceptable? Have
anything to say? Well guess what? Idc. Let’s keep
4. You guys take down any posts or comments that
criticise the mod team which is ironic since they are
the most truthful posts on the sub. You are incapable
of taking personal attacks even if they are supported
with mountains of evidence and instead of fighting
your ground, you take the cowards way out.
5. This post is guaranteed to be removed within 20
seconds so of you do I WARN YOU NOW. I WILL
6. The entire mod team is a biased entity that is no
good for anyone and hasn’t touched grass since they
were born. You seem to either have a lack of intellect
or a lack of vocabulary since even the most
disgusting and vile thing on this sub can go by you.
7. If someone makes two posts, one saying “I hate all
men” and another saying “I hate all women” the the
latter will be removed instantly and the former being
never removed. Now whilst I agree that female
targeted sexism is a larger issue, these double
standards are seriously terrible moderating. If the “I
hate men” post is ever taken down then it will be
months from the post date and not before all the
mods sat around fapping to the girl’s snoo.
8. Your application process is awful. You let in any old
creep who can abuse their power just because you
are not motivated enough to actually do anything
besides watch this little sub degrade into a pedo
9. You are almost never active on this sub. When we
need you most, you are not there, when you will only
cause more issues, you seem to arrive. Look into the
British’s presence in Ireland in the 1970s-90s and
you will see evidence of exactly what you are doing. It
is extremely depressing that you are all people of my
generation and you act like this. If all humanity was
like the mod team we would fall into disrepair. So why
is this community led by them? The answer? Power.
You are all power hungry creeps.

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.