BLM loves to blame the problems of the African American community on everyone else. The police, white people, slavery, colonialism, systemic racism, the list goes on. Everyone is responsible for their shitty situation except themselves. While to be fair, the reason for their generally poor socioeconomic status is almost certainly multi-factorial with some of the historical reasoning including the aforementioned… however, let’s talk about the elephant in the room that is African American culture. It is a culture that celebrates hood life, drug lords and gangsters. Their idols are often rappers who glorify vice and brag about how gangster they are. Parents teach their kids from an early age that the world is out to get them and so it is justified to steal and deal drugs for a career because the world is keeping them down. Their career aspirations are far too often limited to professional rapper or basketball player… and if those dont work out they turn to hood life. Putting in effort to get good grades is considered “acting white”. It’s no wonder there is a disproportionate amount of crime in the African American community. You can’t blame your own actions on everybody else, at some point you have to own up to it if you ever want things to change.

Southeast Asian immigrants are often in equally as poor socioeconomic conditions yet their level of violent crime is a fraction of the African American community. Why? Because their culture does not glorify hood life and gangbanging, but rather the parents push their kids to do well in school and get a professional job… something that is unfortunately far too rare in the AA community and needs to change.

Before people start screaming “OMG THATS RACIST!” Barack Obama and other African American youtubers have said the exact same thing that I just did. It’s considered acceptable for them to say these things, but god forbid any outsider criticize a minority community for anything, regardless of the merit.

Identity politics is a fascinating phenomenon… I can drop some hard truths and its automatically considered ignorant and racist, but if a black man says the exact same thing the comments are applauded and seen as refreshingly honest, brave and insightful.