VERY NSFW AND TMI IM SORRY. MY DOCTOR IS A WEIRD WOMAN HATER AND I JUST CANT ASK HER THIS. I DONT KNOW IF I USED THE RIGHT TAG. I don’t use reddit much except to ask for embarrassing questions sometimes. But this is the second time this has happened, I (F19) was with my fiancé (M20) (we were 18 and 19 when this first happened) were doing the devils tango, but he had put two fingers in the vagina but it felt like a sharp pain and like one finger went into a separate hole (i knew it wasn’t my anus.) and I started bleeding like I had lost my virginity again. We were very confused but just cleaned up and monitored to make sure I didnt bleed out or had to go to the hospital. I was fine! But he is in the military and I live abroad so it had been 8 months since I had any physical activity like that, but while I was exploring myself I had found that I had felt like I had gone into a whole separate hole (wasnt the anus and didnt hurt either and it was in the same spot as last time) and saw skin in tact like it was a hymen..? But I was able to kind of pull it out a little and saw it was a thicker piece of flesh. Does this mean I somehow grew my hymen back? Has anyone else had this issue..?

EDIT: No, intercourse is not painful to me!!!!!!