Hey buddy, we’re trying to engage in a good old shameless Reddit political circlejerk in the most highly esteemed and distinguished political sub on Reddit… ya know, r/pics… the “place where politics comes to die”®. If you think your pesky facts and truths are going to interfere with us ravenously engaging in a one-sided uninformed debate dick-slapping session about this beautifully and elegantly composed photograph of a person holding a sign, then you are DEAD wrong!!! Don’t you know that the only ‘facts’ that are important here are the ones that already conform to my personal Reddit-approved ideology and worldview. Therefore, in the standard Reddit fashion, your non-conforming ‘anti-facts’ should and will be downvoted into invisibility and irrelevance.

Now, back to the matter at hand… what’s something ‘enlightened’ and ‘tolerant-sounding’ I can say in the most startlingly intolerant and hateful way possible?