Was EVERYBODY kung fu fighting?

 My thesis states that there was absolutely no way that everybody was kung fu fighting. Theory number one states that not everybody knows kung fu. Some were possibly using different forms of martial arts, such as taekwondo, ninjutsu, self defense, etc. I highly doubt that all the 7.3 billion people on planet earth are knowledgeable of kung fu and it’s practices, plus their morals. If we also take infants, insects, animals, and every other living creature into account, some of these species are simply incapable of doing kung fu or any other action because they simply do not possess the knowledge, skill, body parts, or strength in order to carry out an attack on some other being with kung fu. My second thesis is that not everybody would have an opponent considering the world population is uneven, and rapidly accelerating as we speak. Unless everybody was carrying out one singular attack on one person, then I continue to doubt everybody was indeed kung fu fighting. 50% of the world’s total population is asleep right now, and there is a low chance that people could carry out such flawless kung fu skills whilst in a state of sleep, especially the elderly and extremely young. Another lyric in the song states “Their kicks were fast as lightning”. This is highly unlikely. Now, if EVERY living species on planet earth (hence the song saying: EVERYBODY), being plants, fish, humans, animals, protozoa, birds, anything with a celluar structure were somehow capable of executing kung fu moves, this would be extremely devastating. If everyone’s kicks were fast as lightning, (the speed of lightning being 200 million+ mph), everyone’s kicks would break the sonic barrier (whilst going 1/3 the speed of light as well), the kicks all breaking the sound barrier at once would create a noise so loud that buildings and windows would be shattered, and civilizations would be completely leveled. Can we even be sure that they were kung fu fighting in the first place if they were moving at such remarkable speeds (lightning)? Surely if someone practiced kung fu at 220,000,000 miles per hour, you either wouldn’t be able to see them, or you’d be dead because they tore apart the entire dojo when trying to break a wooden board at such high speeds. The atmosphere would be demolished as well, allowing the suns rays to break through, absolutely frying everything on the earth’s surface. Solar flares would also protrude through the sky, damaging satellites, phones, and multiple pieces of technology. Due to the kicks and punches of everybody doing kung fu fighting at the same time AND at 220,000,000 mph, the sound of the sound barrier breaking plus the kinetic energy would possibly be able to create vibrations so intense that the earth’s crust would shatter. This creates deep trenches in the crust allowing hot magma to spew up into the surface, covering the earth’s surface in volcanic liquid. Another possibility is that due to all the 7.3 billion people on the planet along with trillions of other living creatures executing kung fu at the same time would create a whopping amount of over 5.6 novemdecillion joules of energy, about the same energy output of a red supergiant star; ultimately decimating everything within a 180 million mile radius. In the end, everybody kung fu fighting would result in the total destruction of mankind.