I’m feeling a little peckish, maybe i’ll get some Appleebees To-Go order today.

Okay, I’m gonna get in my car now…

Oh my god there’s an Applebees, I’m so starving, like, oh my god.

OK, I fancy the Big Bold Grill combo but make it combo’d with the chicken combo with ribs, and a chocolate milkshake, but make sure you don’t- YOU PUT the whipped cream because its far too expensive… and please add some “Frenched Fries” with a pinch of vinaigrette and spicy seasoning because- but, BUT DON’T put too much because it upsets my lungs and it- listen closely:
I am speaking directly into your ear now… I need you to go to the back and bring me all the eggs you can find. I will accept no less, don’t be cheeky. Also, this will be all to-go and I expect it in three minutes; no more, no less…