This story was incrediblely heartbreaking, beautifully illustrated, and is arguably my favorite piece of written/drawn media. I have so much respect for the author and work itself, it’s simply fantastic.

With that out of the way…

I ended up using a whole box of tissues on my first read. A whole two of them were used for tears. I don’t cry much, but this did it. Now that I think back on the story, I realize this all started because Saki was fucking retarded. From after her first time on, it’s all understandable. But what kind of literal moron just agrees to do all of that shit? Here, drink this. Here, take this pill. What the fuck? Was it willful defiance of all good reason? Was it a lack of parental advice? Was it just there to advance the plot? Idk, man. She can’t be that stupid. I’d understand if she was a decent bit younger, but I’ve known since early childhood that you can’t just do that kind of shit with strangers. WHY DID SHE DO IT?