Have you ever thought, “what if an anti-vaccinator made a vaccine for anti-vaccinators. Genius right? Well I have and I thought that if I inject this into anti-vaccinators what will it do? Well, I thought about that too. My teacher told me most anti-vaccinators think it causes autism and I thought, “that’s stupid. Aren’t you only born with that?” Well that’s what I thought until I read an article. Actually that’s a lie I didn’t read it but I did read the title. Well what’s wrong with autism? I mean it is unusual, buts you still love yourself or your child, no one is perfect. Well if I created the anti-vaccine vaccine for anti-vaccinators I won’t make any money because anti-vaccinators don’t like vaccines and it’d probably kill them because idk what your suppose to put in vaccines. Btw I’m a 4 year old boy writing this so good night/morning America and don’t forget to use protection 🙂 uwuwuwuwuwuwu