I , the intelligent individual would like to say fuck you! You just assumed my gender. I’ll have you know I am a toaster and reproduce with bread that has crust. If you dare assume my gender again I will come to your house and it will not be a fun time! As of now the police are searching for you and you will be arrested for committing the crime of Gender Assumption! You are an unintelligent individual and I cannot believe you were born. Your great great great great Grandhelicopter must have had a brain tumor to create children that created children that created children that created YOU! Brain tumors are genetic especially when you are a faggot individual. You shall burn in the fireplace in which I an intelligent toaster created while Santa Claus climbs down my chimney and slides his big shaq sack up your .50mm cannon. Gender assumption at these very hard times are unacceptable, bitch.