Your race is the result of thousands of years of evolutionary programming, like the roots of a tree we are inseperable from darwinian manifestations and trials that our ancestors endured. For every species apart from mankind, we readily admit the fact that physical and psychological disparities exist amongst living things that have lived in different environments. Noone contests the fact that domesticated toy poodles are, by birth, less aggressive than wild wolves, even though they can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. To say that that the sub-saharan coloured race, which never invented a written language or built a two-storey building prior to its colonization, where the average IQ in some places like Equatorial Guinea is 59 (well below retard level), is equal to the Aryan race which conquered the entire world and invented everything from the language we’re using to the devices we’re using to communicate – is insanity. Furthermore, gender disparity exists in EVERY sexual species in existence, and biologists unanimously choir that fact, except for the dysgenically politicized ones who wish to bring about gender confusion to weaken the masses they’re singing to. How can males, whose testosterone levels are greater, whose bone densities are greater, whose brain mass is greater, be equal to women: the frail, unaesthetic sex who bleeds through its genitals and undergoes severe emotional instability every month for a week? There is a reason that males exceed all women in the non-artistic Olympic sports, there is a reason that there has NEVER been a top chess player that was female (NOT EVEN CLOSE).
All in all, you should be less concerned about “racism”, a term invented by an extremely blood-loyal Abrahamic clique, and more concerned by the fact that your ilk is being replaced by smelly, stupid, brown, paedophilic hordes who come from lands where incest and child forbication are the norm.