It is telling that V\*ush and his stans here completely ignore the fact that the right actively grooms 12 year old boys by promising them it’s their birthright to put women in their place and rule over them. You cannot ignore that part of the equation and say “booohooohooo the left always paints men as oppressors” when the right *offers* boys to become oppressors. You cannot just wish for a leftist Andrew Tate to come along, because somebody like Andrew Tate is fortunately impossible on the left. Instead, you need to not only present wholesome, non-toxic male role models, you need to lay out a leftist alternative that promises to cure the problems men face as a result of toxic masculinity.

And that is only possible by attacking the core believes of patriarchy. You cannot help men in a leftist way that isn’t feminist. Sorry guys, that’s how it is. You may not like this, but addressing men’s problems means addressing why men are the way they are, and that is not always pretty for you.

See, the right merely is the most direct and up front in indoctrinating boys into patriarchal ways to perform masculinity. What we see on the right is the most openly toxic and harmful form of this, both to the men being broken to become oppressors and to the women and nonbinary people who are later oppressed by them. What it offers men means being stunted in your emotional development and becoming a walled off, isolated shell of a man incapable of actually connecting to a woman beyond seeing her as an opportunity to score, brag to your friends about your conquest and eventually use her as an incubator. The right does not want men able to love women, the right does not want men able to love their friends either, the right wants men able to only love their country, and it ensures men turn out like that by enforcing social hierarchies that brutally police acceptable male behavior.

But while this way of performing masculinity is the most openly atavistic, oppressive and brutal, it is at its core the same as what society at large does, just in higher doses and with an open promise to men of becoming part of a hierarchically higher class. The same mechanisms still apply under liberalism, even under liberal feminism, just in a meeker, much more watered down version. Because capitalism needs men as oppressors. It needs you guys to constantly want to one-up each other to keep the capitalist hustle going, it needs a culture that glorifies violence to continue its genocidal imperialist warfare all over the global south, it needs to devalue stereotypically feminine labor like care work, child rearing, nursing etc. to either completely externalize the cost of such vital tasks by pressuring women into doing them for free or by making them low-paying jobs where “doing the right thing” is supposed to compensate for the inappropriate wages. It needs women as desirable arm candy to give as a reward and trophy to successful, powerful men. Capitalism is antithetical to feminism. All it offers us instead is empty girlboss platitudes, representation for the daughters of the bourgeoisie and the offer to be both an unpaid care laborer and a full-time worker at the same time, with no aid for this dilemma.

The left is the only part of the political spectrum that can address this. If it is an anticapitalist and antimperialist left that does not require these aspects of patriarchy to be continued for its material survival. As such, the radical left is also the only part of the political spectrum that can liberate men from being damaged by toxic masculinity. MRAs constantly bring up that men have higher suicide numbers, a lower life expectancy, work more dangerous jobs etc., but they never get to the core of the matter that our society actively produces men who needlessly put their life in danger because it wants these men to uphold its functionality as an empire. This is what the left has to offer men: That the boys of the future will not die in wars for the capitalist class. That the boys of today are not shoehorned into a constant, fearful adherence to what’s sanctioned bro behavior. That they will grow up to be men with a happy, fulfilled love life instead of a meaningless scoreboard grind to show off to other PUA dorks.

I fully get why this isn’t good enough for V\*ush. He is too invested in imperialist capitalism to actually criticize the patriarchy in its entirety, and when i’m being brutally honest here, he is also just a guy who makes my skin crawl every time i hear his creepy sex pest voice. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if he says these things because he himself is invested in maintaining structures that enable assault and abuse of women. I do not trust this guy one bit, he needs to shut up about everything and he particularly needs to shut up about things that are connected to the treatment of marginalized people.

 Ps: all I did was some cleanup on the many spelling mistakes of OOP. I do not endorse, nor condone what is being said here. I don’t know the accuracy of this post, since it’s not mine, but it should be taken with gloves and a lot of sarcasm.