Damn, the thought and care put into writing that block of text is the single most beautiful and heart warming thing i have ever seen in my entire life. Honestly, i don’t think anyone has ever cared enough to write “k” before! This is truly a blessed moment, for in this month, on this day, the most wholesome, loving and wonderful text has been written. I am truly glad that you care so much about me as to write “k”. Because what would i do without it? I’d be a soulless husk, a problem to society, i’d be stuck in jail or homeless on the streets. But this “k”, this “k” has saved my life. Suicide was the answer before that genius sentence came along and changed my entire life. In all honesty, you should consider becoming a therapist, because your clever, factual and dazzling response to me has changed my ENTIRE LIFE. I have never felt better, i feel like i could take on the worlds best boxer and win. The raw mental strength just BEAMING from you is honestly what is gonna keep me going from now on. The almighty and gracious “k” that you have just blessed upon me is what has saved my life, and thanks to that i will now spread the message about the almighty “k”. I will go out in the world, search far and wide for an answer as fully amazing as “k”. But there is no such thing. “K” is truly a blessed response, thank you.