I am a person in love with ideas. Even bad ones are worth knowing and exploring. I have spent my life reading, thinking, and occasionally writing (nothing of originality or value, excepting one little item) and a lot of that energy has been focused on studying the nature of the State and a man’s relationship to it. My views have evolved considerably from an extreme leftist perspective on most things, early on, with the exception of gun control and some property rights, til now where I am a practical lower-case ‘l’ libertarian. Let’s make a deal and get the wheels turning, right?

That said, Snowden was instantly in my top 5 real life super heroes the day the story broke, and he became an intellectual and moral superman as time went on and his sincerity and civility and sapience – not to mention 1000x more badass on top of his initial leaks, due to his escape route and being buried in RUSSIA thumbing his nose at the world’s most powerful intelligence and military apparatus. Holy shit.