Narrative is a medium of art found in all videogames, an art form Mario games have not perfected. In fact Mario Odyssey (politics aside) has done more to damage the reputation of narrative in videogames than any other game releases in 2017, including Bubsy The Woolies Strike Back. Narrative Theory has shown that even games like Tetris have less jarring and more classical narratives then Odyssey. Tetris has continual plot progression; Odyssey encourages the player to ignore Mario’s objective for uncharacteristic greed. Tetris has interesting characters through Tetriminos who’s separate lively personalities come from their dynamic shape-relationship with other Tetriminos and player; Odyssey has NPCs who stand around, and a few flat characters. Tetris has consistent world-building rules (only characters are you and the Tetriminos, they are antagonists, their existence is governed by not forming a complete vertical line, etc); Odyssey is meaningless, inconsistent at every turn, and unfeasible by its own interior rules.