First off go fuck yourself if you just copy and pasted my work and said it was your own. Its literally two extra clicks copy and paste my name at the bottom you lovable karma whores.

**The Reddit Manifesto:**

This has been reposted so many times! Why, Comrades, do you upvote these Karma whores? We, the average Redditors trudging through our most treasured subreddits to find entertainment day in and day out. Deserve to have the simple luxury of sorting by new to discover quality OC in our times of boredom and relaxation. Without us having to constantly shift through this imperialistic pile of pig shit that is reposts. Sometimes in extreme cases, even the unforgivable and soul damning grievance of them all! The theft of one’s hard crafted original content and memes that, we the proletariats of Reddit, forged in the blazing furnaces of our restless minds. The theft of our Magnus Opus’s which, many of us have slaved away at molding, that we have chipped away granite piece by granite piece to establish truly stupendous and God humbling works. Do not be the sheep, my Comrades, do not let these wolves continue to have their way with you. To ravage you with unbearable, ill thought out, heaps of shitposts the likes of which exemplify the very essence of human laziness. We, my fellow proletariats and Comrades can strike the match that brings the roaring fires. Whose searing flames will purge this hallowed ground where the supernatural meets the natural. Rectifying the corruption and soul blackening evil that has swallowed our glorious Reddit in a shroud of pitch black shitposts.

Does this seem like just a meme to you Comrade? In ten years when this haven of comedic genius and ingenuity has fallen below the primordial waters of shitposts. When this holy sanctum, this depository. Of the greatest tapestries of ironic entertainment, the history of the human race has ever had the privilege, nay the fortunateness of creating and the like of which may never be seen again. Where will you say you were when this towering obelisk born out of our splendiferous imagination falls? Which side will you tell the generations to come you were on when this Babylon, when this Garden of Eden, when this City Upon a Hill falls to the putrid perversion of all that is righteous and paradisiacal of Reddit?

Comrade I am not mad. I am frustrated in every communist fiber of my being. How can you claim this, “this is just reddit, you don’t need to get mad”? I was calm, so I explained your error twice. So, you would not be the sheep nor the ravenous karma hungry wolf. I will not explain it thrice for the same reason one does not try to damn up the Great Roman Lake at the Pillars of Hercules and the Dardanelles. Was it not pointless for Xerxes to try to have the sea punished by having it beaten with clubs, whips, and hot irons? Would the Prophet Muhammad try to explain Allah and the Koran to a cow chewing cud in a pasture? In the Garden you were Adam blindly taking the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. You will not know the damage you deal to the paradise of Reddit until it is far too late.