The last time I ate spaghetti I was about 5 and 1/2 years old. I remember the texture of the noodles being so succulent as to just glide straight into my mouth and down my child throat. The feeling of a soupy euphoria overtook my little body. The sauce, of which was made vegan for my aunts and uncles due to digestion problems, was that of a silky thin watery consistency that only someone of a finely refined tongue could appreciate. After taking this first bite I went in for a second. The meatballs are what I had my eyes set on. I used the provided fork to dig straight into the massive pile of spaghet. Twisting. Pulling. Twisting. Pulling. After minutes of hard labor I pull from my plate one of the largest meatballs that I had ever seen. I and my 5 years of life had never prepared me for this. I slammed the fork into my mouth gulping the huge meatiness ball of beef into my child like jaw. I swallowed with a force of 10,000 men and with that. I had my first plate of spaghetti. Since then I’ve become very wealthy and successful. You too can follow in my steps by purchasing my full length book on ‘how to eat a spaghet’ available in stores near you for $39.99.