Oh my god i need a dom gf i swear to god i will cum within sceonds. I want her to crush my balls and my head with her thighs jesus christ i want her so much just as much as i wnat a thiccc vampire mommy milkers in my mouth i will ejaculate so much it will make my room look like a Jackson pollock or some shit jesus christ i swea with her big honky dony milky wilky titties wittys milk mechine i cold populate the whole stATE OF california anb texas combined in population .i swear tho if i meet some sivck retard who watches ntr and loli i swear i will end you cause lady drimuchu or what ever her name i from resident evil 8 like dam her ass is nic but i think i prefer ada wong or rebecca chambers . like ghod damn im horny like holy shit pleas god giver me a girlfriend dom like jesus im down bad