“French” is a slur.

I know many non-frenx won’t understand this, but I still encourage you to share this. Our voices need to be heard, and no one is listening.

My community doesn’t identify as “French.” Many of us are GNC (gender non-conforming), and we’ve decided that the term “French” actively discriminates against nonbinary and GNC people. “Frenx” is an inclusive term that encompasses all identities of us Frenx people. We are not your costume or your joke. We don’t say “oui oui” and eat baguettes all day. We are real people in struggling situations, and we need your help to change your vocabulary and stop discriminating against us!

I have told many of my peers to refer to historical figures and I as the rightful and respectful term of “frenx”, but they’ve only kept spouting slurs and insults at me for doing so. This can’t keep going on.

I am a Frenx person living in Louisiana, so I may not understand the struggles of mainlanders, but from the people I’ve spoken to, this is the term we want used. “French” is a slur. The right word is “Frenx”.