seriously bot fucking delete yourself already holy shit youre pointless and annoying and only slackjawed inbred morons think this bullshit is funny like holy fucking christ just stop do you think its funny to just butt in and be all like “huhuhuh heres my string AutisticResponse[11] pls give me upvotes huhuhuhuh” nobody likes you nobody likes the person who made you they probably have no friends you were made by a friendless loser and you have no credible purpose for existing so stop posting your useless fucking garbage everywhere so people can do their dumb shit without you rolling in and fishing for attention and upvotes with your worthless bullshit holy shit you’re a fucking disgrace to computer science and i loathe that i’ve dedicated myself to the craft that spawns you worthless fucking degenerate automated sycophantic wastes of bandwidth i bet you run off some freeloader trial account on some javascript hobbyist site somewhere because your 16 year old author can’t afford a raspberry pi to put their bots on like the rest of civilized society