After watching star-wars episode 9 and realizing that palatine must have had sex to give birth to Rey’s parents it raised the question of whether he got any action with the prune face or not.

I did the maths and here are my results:

\> reys parents were around 30 when they left rey based on the actors appearances

\> rey was 5 years old when they left

\> rey is 19 years old

\> meaning 14 years had passed between then and episode 9

\> this makes the parents 44 years old (even though theyre dead) at the time of episode 9 (30 + 14)

\> episode 9 takes place roughly 31 years after the fall of the empire

\> 44-31=13

\> Palpatine had sex 13 years before the 2nd deathstar was destroyed

\> episode 6 was 4 years after episode 4 and luke was 23 in episode 6

\> he pruned his face the same day that luke was born

\> 23-13=10 years old when palpatine had sex

he had been a prune for 10 years before he had sex proving that the senate has game to get laid looking like that