Normal ravioli? Great. Amazing. Honestly super good. Mini Ravioli? A fucking godsend. Perfection. More appealing. The size makes it seem like there’s more. The perfect combination of pasta and meat. But OVERSTUFFED ravioli?? NO. FUCK NO. GET THAT SHIT OUT OF FACE YOU IDIOTIC INDECENT DISGRACEFUL BASTARD. How could anyone on this good not so green earth even enjoy overstuffed ravioli? Normal ravioli has the perfect amount of beef and pasta. Mini ravioli might be small, but it’s the same as normal, just scaled down. But overstuffed? It told the pasta to fuck off. There is n o t enough pasta for that amount of meat. It does not compensate for size like the mini’s do. It’s disgusting. It’s unbearable. I don’t want that unevenly balanced morsel in my body. Hell, it’s hardly a morsel. It’s dogshit. It’s fucking dogshit.