John Proctor is a sexual genius. Here’s some context. The Puritans saw an sexual activity as a sin and wicked, so obviously, masturbation was illegal as well. From what we know in the The Crucible, John Proctor is a good, honest man driven by his sexual desires. We see that Elizabeth is cold to him in the household resulting in possible sexual frustration and a lack of relief for John Proctor’s Long Cocktor. He has been shown to be desperate in his search for an outlet, going to an underage servant, Abigail, for such, and as a result digs himself into a bigger hole. During the witch trials, John initially doesn’t get involved until Elizabeth’s name is mentioned in court. This opens an opportunity for him to insert him into the minds of the girls and possibly get himself hanged. Why is this important? When you lower the amount of oxygen sent to your brain, you enter a state of euphoria or intense sexual stimulation; autoerotic asphyxiation can be accomplished with a rope that is strangling one’s neck. In combination with rigor mortis, one can achieve their magnum opus, a massive orgasm resulting in one’s death. You could say all your pride, dignity, and essence as a person leaves your body in the form of your ejaculation. This is what John Proctor was pursuing. He was a proud, upright man with his own morals and ideas of justice which made him different from the rest, but just as good a man. In finding a nook in the justice system of Salem, he could abuse it to achieve his true goals. And so, getting involved in Elizabeth’s accusations and “attempting” to restore order to the court was a guise for Proctor to make an enemy of the girls, Abigail, and court room officials. The result is a successful capture in which he is either immediately hanged and finished or the more ambitious one. Can you guess? John Proctor is rather sentenced to sit in jail for several months before his actual execution. Now why is this significant? Being isolated and kept away from any who genuinely care about his well being allows him to do as he wishes within his cell without repercussions. The most probable product of his genius was to masturbate and edge himself for those months, waiting for an opportunity to finish it with the hanging. Oh, and due to his confidence in a public hanging, he was probably also an exhibitionist at heart. The saga of John Proctor and his sexual escapades come to an end when he tricks those involved into hanging him. It doesn’t matter if Elizabeth loves him now or if Hale is truly on his side, neither can nor are willing to indulge in Proctor’s desires dutifully. The only criteria for his satisfaction are a noose, and the go-ahead from Danforth. John Proctor dies knowing that God witnessed his masterpiece, a concoction build over decades, and finishes with a wave of lust that rivals God’s flood centuries ago.

edit: spelling