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RAID: Shadow Legends™️ is getting big real fast, so you should definitely get in early. Starting now will give you a huge head start. There’s also an upcoming Special Launch Tournament with crazy prizes! And not to mention, this game is absolutely free!

So go ahead and check out the video description to find out more about RAID: Shadow Legends™️. There, you will find a link to the store page and a special code to unlock all sorts of goodies. Using the special code, you can get 50,000 Silver immediately, and a FREE Epic Level Champion as part of the new players program, courtesy of course of the RAID: Shadow Legends™️ devs.

The Notre Dame burning down sure is a big disaster, but you know what else is a big disaster? Trying to create your own website. HTML, CSS, PHP, CMS, who has time for that? That’s why you need Squarespace. Squarespace is the easy way to create your very own professional website using simple drag and drop actions, no matter if you’re trying to open a digital storefront or finally starting that travel blog you were always talking about. The home page of the Notre Dame most likely wasn’t made using Squarespace, but if it was, they could update it to reflect the tragic events on Monday, the 15th of April, with just a few clicks. If you want to give Squarespace a try, they are currently offering a special promo where you can get your own website, AND your very own domain for a free trial month by registering using the promo code


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Situations like this are why I use Audible. Audible is a subscription service that allows you to buy audiobooks that you can listen to on your phone. Audible allows you to choose from a gigantic array of audiobooks narrated by amazing narrators, that you can listen to from anywhere! Right now I’m listening to The Dead Zone by Stephen King, narrated by Oscar winning actor James Franco. It’s the chilling story of a highschool teacher who falls into a coma and wakes up with psychic abilities. In all seriousness, audibooks are great for when you’re alone, and I should maybe stop with the YouTube.

Speaking of skills, let me take a few minutes to talk to you about a website called Skillshare. Have you ever wanted to learn how to do something out of the ordinary or interesting? Well you can, by taking classes online at, which are taught by instructors and have their own class rosters. Heck, I learned how to juggle and make a PB&J sandwich the RIGHT way, by using Skillshare. So what are you waiting around for? There are DOZENS of online courses that you can take ranging from Physics, all the way to fingerpainting! Be sure to check for my referral link in the description after watching this video for a FREE week trial courtesy of Skillshare! It’s thanks to them I can provide content to you guys as often as I do, so I thank Skillshare for sponsoring this video

For those living in Shakepearian Times
Raid: shadow legends™️ is getting big real festinate, so thee shouldst forsooth receiveth in early. Starting anon shall giveth thee a huge headeth starteth. Th’re’s eke an upcoming special launcheth tournament with crazy prizes! and not to mention, this game is absolutely free!

so wend ahead and checketh out the video description to findeth out m’re about raid: shadow legends™️. Th’re, thee shall findeth a link to the st’re page and a special code to unlocketh all s’rts of goodies. Using the special code, thee can receiveth 50,000 silv’r immediately, and a free epic leveleth champion as parteth of the new playeth’rs programeth, courtesy of course of the raid: shadow legends™️ devs.

the notre dame burning down sure is a big disast’r, but thee knoweth what else is a big disast’r? trying to maketh thy owneth website. Html, css, php, cms, who is’t hast timeth f’r yond? yond’s wherefore thee needeth squarespace. Squarespace is the easy way to maketh thy v’ry owneth professional website using simple drageth and dropeth actions, nay matt’r if ‘t be true thou art trying to ope a digital st’refront ‘r finally starting yond traveleth blog thee w’re at each moment talking about. The home page of the notre dame most likely wasn’t madeth using squarespace, but if ‘t be true t wast, those gents couldst updateth t to reflecteth the tragic events on monday, the 15th of april, with just a few clicks. If ‘t be true thee wanteth to giveth squarespace a tryeth, those gents art currently off’ring a special promo wh’re thee can receiveth thy owneth website, and thy v’ry owneth domain f’r a free trial month by regist’ring using the promo code squarespace. com/notre.

yond’s squarespace. com/notre

honey is a free brows’r add-on available on google, oprah, firefox, safari, if ‘t be true t’s a brows’r t hast honey. All thee has’t to doth is at which hour thou art checking out on one of these maj’r sites, just click yond dram ‘range button, and ’twill scan the entire int’rnet and findeth discount codes f’r thee. As thee seeth right h’re, i’m on hanes, y’know, ‘rd’ring some shirts because who is’t doesn’t liketh ‘rd’ring shirts; we did save 11 dollars! broth’r our total is 55 dollars, and aft’r honey, t’s 44 dollars. Boom. I did click once and i did save 11 dollars. Th’re’s did light’rally nay reasoneth not to installeth honey. T doth take two clicks, 10 million people useth t, 100,000 five star reviews, unless thee misprise wage, thee shouldst installeth honey.

situations liketh this art wherefore i useth audible. Audible is a subscription s’rvice yond allows thee to buyeth audiobooks yond thee can hark to on thy phoneth. Audible allows thee to chooseth from a gigantic array of audiobooks narrat’d by most wondrous narrat’rs, yond thee can hark to from anywh’re! even but now i’m listening to the dead zone by stephen king, narrat’d by oscar winning act’r james franco. T’s the chilling st’ry of a highschool teachest’r who is’t falls into a coma and wakes up with psychic abilities. In all s’riousness, audibooks art most wondrous f’r at which hour thou art high-lone, and i shouldst haply stand ho with the youtube.

speaking of arts, alloweth me taketh a few minutes to talketh to thee about a website hath called skillshare. Has’t thee ev’r did want to learneth how to doth something out of the ‘rdinary ‘r int’resting? well thee can, by taking classes online at skillshare. com, which art did teach by instructeth’rs and has’t their owneth class rost’rs. Heck, i learn’d how to juggleth and maketh a pb&j sandwich the right way, by using skillshare. So what art thee waiting ’round f’r? th’re art dozens of online courses yond thee can taketh ranging from physics, all the way to fing’rpainting! beest sure to checketh f’r mine own ref’rral link in the description aft’r watching this video f’r a free week trial courtesy of skillshare! it’s grant you mercy to those folk i can provideth content to thee guys as oft as i doth, so i thanketh skillshare f’r spons’ring this video