I do know 2 who died & 2 others I was personally & extensively exposed to and i never got a sniffle. Of course they were seen for other things and just happened to get a call later after discharge saying they had it. I say BS. And I’m immunocompromised so should have caught it if they actually had it. I know nurses who are sick of lying. I was a RN before retiring.. You can make love to the virus if you want to. I know for certain its 99% hype. Its 99.9% survivable according to CDC & WHO. Ppl on the inside know its a hoax. Fauci is a dam Freemason kiddy diddler. So is Biden. They had to sign NDAs. The numbers are exaggerated to cause fear and compliance. Its a form of MK Ultra mind control, taught to the US military & CIA by Nazi scientists that were vgiven US citizenship after WW2 in Project Paperclip. US politicians basically honor Nazis. British Royalty are Nazis. Have you ever read the 25 Illuminati goals, written in 1776, with plans for the USA to become what it is today. Global army for global bankers. Do you know anything about the UN Agenda 21 or UN Agenda 30? Programs by the world global elite to decrease the population of the planet during the Great Reset? Do you know what the great reset even is? I think you better get cracking with the research if you want to sound informed. This virus we just went thru was to kill elderly nursing home patients. They want to destroy the ill and prisoners as well. They want young ppl to train and enslave. Neuralink? One way to make us into food little robots. The state if we go socialist with Biden & Harris, are going to work towards taking mg your children and raising them to be slaves of the state. Hillary & Obama laid the foundation for takeover but didn’t count on Trump. Biden is supposed to take over where Obama left off. Destroying the sovereign USA. I can keep going but ill stop with this word. Transhumanism.