So if gru is about 52 ([\_Gru]( if you are going of of the canonical movies and he is 14 ft tall according to ([\_is\_godlike/]( and can move at 9.5 mph and gravity is about 9.8 m/s so if you take the average weight of men in the range of 40-59 based on the website ([]( which is 200.9 and multiply that by 2.34 because that is for someone who is 6ft tall so that equals 2820.636 pounds so gru is not a small boy. If you use the formula to calculate the force on an object which is F=m\*a which if you plug in the numbers it equals 27642.2328 force on gru. Using the information from the reddit post it says that he can punch with about 3000 newtons of force and if you watch the video ([]( it shows that he is not even trying so that shows he is much stronger. If we assume that 100% of his weight is pure muscles (he would not be able to do anything because that wouldn’t work so) he would still not be even close enough to be able to withstand the force on him unless he is using some kind of support. Also one last thing. Also according to the fandom minions are 8 years old yet the dinos when extinct about 66 million years ago, and the first creatures walked on land about 430 million years ago and since they evolved over time this would show that they are even older than that so this would show that the wiki is very incorrect. On a side note. Using the information before about gru we can calculate that Dr. Nefario is 2 minions tall (minions stand at 3.5 ft) so he is 7 ft tall. He is 67 years old using the same website as before we used for the weight is 299.4 pounds after multiplying by 2. If we assume that he is 1/16 minion tall lying on its side that is 0.21875 ft wide which if we change this to inches 2.625 in wide. That is very small considering most people are about 5’6″ and taller people usually have wider legs to try to help balance so they don’t topple. Since he is 299.4 pounds his little legs would be absolutely crushed by his weight and that is why he is required to be in his scooter. Going back to Gru for a second and the shark attack since he used 3000 newtons of force by just having the shark run into this. Let’s assume that the shark is moving at about 31 mph which is the average speed of a shark (49.8897 kph for all the lovely british people) Since sharks on average weigh about 1,500 – 2,400 pounds so lets take about 1950 as our weight for this shark. Using an online calculator ([\_calculation/Force\_calculator.aspx]( we calculate that the newtons generated by the shark is 450.3928. That means gru just by lifting his fist generated 2549.6072. That is 0.13% of the force of a 1 cm3 cube of tnt. which is some kinda intense stuff. Lets just for fun assume that he is not trying at all. If we take 2549.6072 and put it to the 3rd power we get 16,573,713,634.3 and that is just making the assumption that he is able to weald that much force. That is equal to about a 278.8714 ft3 block of tnt. If you were to put this into minecraft it would be 85 blocks because each block is 1 meter according to ([\_distance](