I laugh so hard every time I see someone insinuate that John Cena is invisible. I don’t think anything has ever been funnier. I mean, the subtle reference to his classic catchphrase “you can’t see me” is just immaculate, absolutely genius! Every time I someone says they can’t see John Cena I just roll over laughing, I can’t help it. Once I went to see a wrestling match with John Cena in it and when he came out I said, get this, “but where is he?” Everyone in my immediate vicinity instantly burst out in uncontrollable laughter and convulsions, some even vomiting from how funny my joke was. Everyone in the entire building started applauding and laughing, not at John Cena, but at me and my comedic genius! John Cena himself was furiously applauding, and he came up to me and said “please impregnate my wife, you’re just so funny and cool I think you should father my children,” I of course accepted without hesitation, and promptly left the building after the stench of the entire audience shitting themselves with laughter became too much to bear