You ratfucking shitape. You troglodyte. You piece of worthless, burning garbage I have recently set ablaze with this fucking ESSAY of a putdown. You are a PRIMAL-ASS CHIMPANZEE BRAIN, IF YOU THINK THE MERCATOR PROJECTION IS IN ANY WAY ACCEPTABLE. Unless you are a god damned crusty sea dog navigating the high seas, there is NO REASON to use this godawful “Greenland is the size of Africa, durrr!!” map. Its poles are as distorted as your cock is tiny if you use this fucking projection unironically. If you don’t immediately arsonize every copy of this excuse for a “map” you have, I am going to arm myself with heavy weaponry, come to your dwelling, and GUN YOU RIGHT THE MOTHERFUCK DOWN.

The Mercator projection is the greatest sin of humanity. Change my mind.