bitch that was your server. you cared about it. you genuinely wanted to play it. now you’re laughing. you’re laughing that the server’s gone. it was the best survival server we’ve had and it was a chance where the boys could all come together regardless of skill and seriousness of the game and it’s fucking gone. even though we didn’t care about it for about a year, I actually wanted to take the initiative and bring us back together, but you don’t even give a shit about our diamonds, our house, our llamas, our seed with a shipwreck next to the house. and the best part was we got it for free. it’s gone now and the fact that you’re laughing is honestly amazing. it’s just a game, but it brought us together. when was the last time all the boys talked on a discord call and played together on any game and had genuine fun? the last time was when we played minecraft. now, nathan is probably never going on minecraft again, my computer has gotten laggier over time. i don’t know what kc’s up to, and you don’t care. this paragraph is so stupid and i shouldn’t be taking a subject about a kids game so seriously, but i cared about that world. we all cared about that world at one point. but it’s gone. i don’t expect you to be sobbing your ass off, but you’re laughing. our world is gone, and you’re laughing.