I’ve been getting ridiculously high and visiting museums. This time I went to an aquarium and I like to think I handle myself well and that I’m not disruptive, but at the touch tank I just fucking grabbed the little shark. With my whole hand. I was just so amazed by how it felt that I didn’t wanna stop touching it. I feel so bad I know the shark hated it. I wish sharks spoke English so I could say sorry. The employee supervising the tank obviously scolded me and I’m still shaken by it. I’m Sautéed in the uber home rn and I can’t stop thinking about how embarrassed I am. I’m 19F and this isn’t the worst thing that’ll happen to me but I’m crushed. Fuck me i just want to crack open a Cold pepsi cola.I feel like crying and venting to the driver but I’m a good girl. I’ll keep repeating this to myself until I believe it.