**Bigender/Ambigender**: two genders, but not necessarily male and female. Bigender people can either feel two genders at once or fluidly.

**Trigender**: three genders, either at once or fluidly. Trigender is not another term for third gender.

**Third gender**: a third gender may represent an intermediate state between man and woman, a state of being both (such as “the spirit of a man in the body of a woman”), the state of being neither (neuter), the ability to cross or swap genders, or another category altogether independent of men and women. This is typically a culture-specific gender.

**Pangender/Omnigender:** gender identity in which you feel you are all genders, either at once or fluidly. This experience can go beyond the current knowledge of genders.

**Polygender/Multigender**: more than one gender. This is an umbrella term.

**Agender/voidgender/genderless**: identifies with or has no gender.

**Genderfluid**: gender can shift from one to the other in any combination of genders. One day, somebody could feel agender, while another day they could feel male, and again another gender some other day.

**Genderflux**: shifting between genders at varying intensities. This is a subset of genderfluid.

**Genderqueer/gendervariant**: an umbrella term for all genders that are not male/female. “Gender noncomforming” may also be used, but is more geared toward presentation than identity.

**Crystagender**: gender changes at random and may feel “fractured” between multiple genders as a result. Someone who is crystagender may experience multiple gender identities at once, or in succession.

**Demigender:** partially identifying with a gender. This is oftentimes an umbrella term.

**Demienby**: someone who identities partially as enby (“Enby” is a noun for a non binary person which acts just like “girl” and “boy” do.) Not all non binary individuals consider themselves “enby”.

**Demifluid**: someone whose gender is partially fluid with the other part(s) being static; an example could be: one part of their gender is “woman” while the part that fluctuates is  ”man” and “genderqueer”.

**Demiflux:** someone whose gender is partially fluid with the other part(s) being static; this differs from “demifluid” as “-flux” indicates that one of the genders is neutral; an example could be: one part of their gender is “genderqueer” while the part that fluctuates is “agender” and “woman”.

**Demigirl:** partially identifying as female.

**Demiboy**: partially identifying as male.

**Nanogender/Nan0gender:** small part of a gender (considered opposite of demigenders).

**Nanogirl/Nan0girl**: small part girl.

**Nanoboy/Nan0boy**: small part boy.

**Cryptogender**: gender that can’t be described, just like somebody whose sexuality is “questioning”.

**Androgyne/Androgynous:** identifies as an androgynous gender, oftentimes meaning a non-masculine and non-feminine gender, or a blend of the two.

**Intergender**: gender that is in-between the male/female binary. This is not another term for “intersex”, but some people say that this term only belongs to those who are intersex.

**Intersex:** a person born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that does not fit male or female binary; ambiguous genitalia.

**Non binary/nb/enby**: gender that is outside the male/female binary.

**Neutrois**: gender neutral or genderless. There are many definitions surrounding this term, but they all lean toward agender/gender neutral/androgynous.

**Angenital**: feeling uncomfortable (potentially dysphoric) with having any sort of genitalia at all, but do not mind gendered pronouns or having a gender label. There is a desire to be sexless but not necessarily genderless.

**Aporagender/aliagender**: a gender that is “other” and/or that is outside of existing social constructs of gender.

**Graygender**: someone who identifies outside the gender binary, but does not feel completely one gender (similar to graysexual/grayromantic). This can be a subset of non binary and genderfluid.

**Gyaragender/Gendervex:** having multiple genders, but understanding none of them.

**Gyaragirl/Gyarafeminine**: having multiple genders, none of which are understood, that have feminine qualities. This is a type of gendervex or gyaragender.

**Gyaraboy/Gyaramasculine**: having multiple genders, none of which are understood, that have masculine qualities. This is also a type of gendervex or gyaragender.

**Temporagender**: gender changes with the seasons.