I’ll never eat at Chipotle again. I ordered my burrito, double meat and no veggies like a real man, extra hot sauce and queso. $15 worth of food for one person, I don’t skip out on like some little bitch. So I go to pay for my meal, with a $100 bill, and the checkout guy asks me if it’s together or separate. I came alone, I don’t need an escort to eat with. I look at the guy and tell him I ain’t no faggot. Just because the guy next to me has a nice ass and suave hair doesn’t mean I want to suck his cock. I voted for Trump and we are making this country great again. You don’t do that my taking it up the ass. The whole restaurant is looking at me by now, half scared, the other half covering their heart and standing ready to clap. By now the cashier is shaking, his name tag said assistant manager. Looks like they promoted Barrack Jr a little early if he can’t handle unfiltered patriotism. It was then I remembered that I had picked up my 6 year old son from baseball practice today, so I told the guy, yeah it’s together and we left.