what in tarnation did you just tootin do to my bean gumbo you danged snake? I’ll have y’all know | went head to head with paula deen on kettle pot kitchen and came out on top, and my bean gumbo has filled the bellies of hundreds of satisfied fellers. I was trained by mean-bean sean himself, and my bean gumbo’s cooked in the same pot my great-great-great-great grandpappy cooked his in. You aren’t leavin this here fire pit till you’ve tasted my bean-gumbo, I’ll wrastle you down and force it in ya if I have to, y’all’ll wipe the kettle clean with your tongue and smile with the satisfaction that only a bean gumbo cooked in a kettle tarnished with the flavor of thousands of fixins of bean gumbo can bring. Y’all think you can skedaddle when you done did what you did to my bean gumbo? You best roll that over in your noggin a little while longer sonny. As I ditty this out I’m ringin up my nephew Collosal crotch cletus who’s fixin to wrangle up a varmint. The smell of a whole gaggle of gumbos is waftin over to tempt you from hundreds of acres away. Anytime, anywhere, my bean gumbo’s the best, and I have over 17 texas bbq ribbons for anyone who says otherwise. Not just round these parts, I’ll fix you a mean bean gumbo anyplace you find yourself. It takes a pair of rocky mountain oysters to think you could do something to my bean gumbo and get away with it, had you only tasted it with your tongue you’da never done that to my bean gumbo. You done made yer mistakes though you wrasslin wrangler, yer gonna swim in my bean gumbo. Yer never gonna be hungry again sonny.

*[Sauce {Transcriber}](https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/6i7y9w/bean_gumbo/dj4b6vh/), [Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/6i7y9w/bean_gumbo/)*