First of all, i’m bi, but this is a doubt related to me liking men so i think it fits here. Second of all, i’m a bear, and in many aspects i am like the stereotypical “manly man” type of guy, but i’m not conservative or something like that, trust me, this information will be useful.

So, i found myself as bi when i was 15, i feel in love with a really close friend who’s a guy, he’s feminine, gentle, flamboyant but also has his male side, after all, he’s a dude. We are dating today, and i’m completely sure i love him almost beyond myself, but there’s a thing making me scratch the back of my head: i can only like feminine guys. Whenever i see a guy like me, who behaves in this “manlier way”, i can’t feel a thing, but feminine guys on the other hand, those make me feel in heaven. And i think i like them more than girls, dunno if that’s weird. But here’s the thing: if i only like femme guys, does this mean i don’t like guys? I am legit confused about this.

English is not my first language so ignore the mistakes, and please try to decypher whatever i said here, if you can help me.