Ok people, it is 6:00am where I live and I am freaking the fuck out.
WTF with Trump being so close in the polls? How is this even a thing? What the FUCK is wrong with our country???
Im 42 fucking years old and I swear to God I have never been more scared about our country than right now. I had no fucking idea there were so many racist, misogynist, assholes. No fucking idea. Oh sure, I figured there were like maybe 10% of people who could vote that were “deplorables”. But it is almost 50%!!!! How is this even an option???
How did this happen????


Can’t find the original, but I got it from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/54kkam/we_are_going_to_win_this_thing_trump_up/d82lhiq