OP, fuck you. Seriously fuck you. Everyday on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube I’m unable to escape this retarded, unfunny, forced meme. No matter where I look, all I see and hear is “hey do you know da way xddd” from these stupid normies. Even my brother, my own kin started using that fake Ugandan accent. 4chan was the only place I could get away from it because I know the people on 4chan aren’t normies and don’t fall for these blatant forced memes. But you, YOU just had to post it didn’t you? ON A HISTORY BOARD OF ALL PLACES. Why? What did you gain by posting it you normie piece of shit? I bet you think this meme is the most hilarious thing you’ve seen since pickle rick. I hope you burn in hell for this. Who knows, maybe when you’re there you can think about your actions.