### TIFU by yelling at a lesbian couple.

So this actually happened about an hour ago. I had just gotten home from my first college party and started reading reddit.

After a couple hours had passed in the lights I started to kind of get annoyed.

“They think you’re ugly! You’re a cow, a slut, slut-shaming!”

Everyone was staring at me in complete disbelief and I was yelling back in somewhat of a threatening manner.

Little did I know that my rage was turning to physical force.

I start grabbing my now-wife’s hair and dragging it around mid-stride, trying to get her to say something. My wife is still laughing her skirt off while I’m doing this, and the last thing I see as I’m yelling is the word “Cock!” repeatedly.

Well, here’s the thing. My wife finally calmed down, but she still offered to leave me in the shower.

I went out to get some clothes and when I got in my car I stopped to say “I love you both!”

As I’m driving I now realize that I misjudged the audio of my rant to be loud enough for everyone to hear, and now I’m just a terrible listening experience.

TL;DR – I yelled at a lesbian couple, then left my house after causing some major noise in the hallway.