Call me all you want. You wouldn’t last 10 minutes in a debate about any subject within politics, philosophy, sociology or economics with me anyway. Or would you? Because so far, all I see is that you’re just another sad millenial that has only ever learned anything about conservatism or the right via some random snowflake on youtube, Tumblr or Twitter. Or even worse, from a canned commie history teacher in school. Do you fap to hentai still living with mom too? I really hope you don’t.
The mere fact you mentioned the word “fascist” and Nazi towards my person gives away the fact you are clueless just like 99% of the SJWs, Antifas, Blackblocs.

Feel welcome to invite me to a debate if you want. Until then, you can downvote and play the 20-something year old millenial with college debt you probably are all you want, I won’t mind. Feel free to say I was triggered by you. Would entertain me even further if you did.