Everyone getting angry at this guy, calm down. He is a programmer by profession. This is probably the most “recognition worthy” thing he will do in his entire low life, rigging an internet poll to cause the obviously favoured candidate to lose. Imagine, just imagine, HOW MUCH, JUST HOW MUCH lowlife, sad, angry, and spited you have to be to be angry by just watching some memer fans of a already average and mocked movie (let’s be honest guys. Memes revived the prequels. But are the prequels, ROTS included, really THAT good compared to, say the OT or Avengers?) getting some joy out of their movie winning an internet poll and celebrating their “victory” by making memes. Even effing r/marvelmemes took it SO VERY WELL sportingly that they themselves started making prequel memes in their subs merged with marvel as a token of graciously accepting defeat. When SO MANY meme pages were siding with prequelmemes, a lowlife felt irritated. I don’t know if this guy was trying to finally put use his skills for other than a livelihood and probably himself deemed as “worthwhile”. Effing attempted to get ROTS defeated on its birthday just for a sadistic amusement. And what he did was not THAT hard either, there was no captcha, so basically it was an unguarded fortress. He did this for some online validation, which we must not give him.
It ain’t like he is an informatics olympiad /IMO medalist or something, even at national levels, nor is he doing anything signifant to increase humanity’s collective knowledge of programming/number theory /graph theory etc etc programming related topic . The most he will ever do in life is probably rigg an IMDB poll. And that will help his lowlife ass die peacefully knowing he did something “worthwhile” with his skills. Imagine being lowlife and hobby less enough for doing something as worthless as rigging an unguarded internet poll that runs on the assumption that voters will be fair, and coming out with a seemingly confession type post on r/confessions that clearly is a humble brag and outright mocking the SW prequel fans community , and ending with a sort of turn around change of voice.