This makes me so fucking angry. Whenever I go to r/copypasta I go to a post and every. single. goddamn. time. There is one of those fucking comments that says nothing but “Cock”

What the fuck? Why are they even doing this? On repeat, on every post, they never stop. It’s just a brigade of cocks flooding the comments of every post, taking away any chance of discussion over the positive effects of foreskin bondage and whatnot. What’s even worse are those fucking idiots replying with copypastas but for some fucking reason they add:

“*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please* [*contact the moderators of this subreddit*]( *if you have any questions or concerns.”*

You’re not a bot. None of them are bots. I’ve looked through every profile of the cock repliers and none of them are bots. Then why would they say that? Is it some sick joke on me? To confuse me? The absolute fucking nerve of someone to go out of their way to look for every fucking comment that says “Cock” and reply with some fucking quadratics copypasta! What’s even fucking WORSE, IS THAT EVERY TIME THEY POST THAT FUCKING COPYPASTA ABOUT THE QUADRATICS, I GET FUCKING HARD! **WHY DO YOU FUCKING IDIOTS KEEP DOING THIS TO ME! EVERY TIME I SCROLL DOWN THE COMMENTS OF THIS FUCKING SUBREDDIT I GET HARD BECAUSE OF SOME STUPID FUCKING COPYPASTA!** ***I’M GOING TO PERSONALLY HUNT DOWN ANY FUCKING ASSHOLE THAT POSTS THAT STUPID ASS QUADRATICS COPYPASTA*** ***IN THE COMMENTS. I’M BURNING DOWN THE WHOLE FUCKING SITE!***

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please* [*contact the moderators of this subreddit*]( *if you have any questions or concerns.*